
Friday, September 18, 2015

Should I fear the cows?

You know what they say about cows.....quiet, docile creatures happy to meander in the field waiting for their time to be made into burgers. But I am sitting in a cottage with a view (and oh what a view!) and right in the bottom 3rd of that view are a bunch of cows meandering closer and closer to my area....Everyone knows it's the quiet ones you have to watch. What if they turn on me? Will they know I'm a vegetarian? Anyhoo, cows aside I am sitting at a table drinking a beer and looking out on to the impending sunset over Leigh and its surrounding area. It's quiet, except for my monkey style typing and that excited bird singing. I'm here to write so I thought it'd be good to start it off with a blog entry, just to track my motivation when I remove myself from everything I love and know (Andy, Netflix, the heat pump and our wonderful bed). So, starting at 25,474 words......what will Monday morning look like?!

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