
Friday, August 1, 2008

The Beginning

It all began with Ryan Adams. I discovered through HMV I could write a review of all of his albums that would be seen by the website viewers, so I began writing reviews of anyone that I liked. HMV began paying me for this service, and that was pretty cool too. I'm not saying that because of me people went out and bought Cat Power - Greatest or Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker albums, but I bet a few did.

So I targeted local papers (at least a hundred) and one got back to me - Worcester News, bless 'em. Now every Friday 2 reviews written by me are published in their very own column, for the good people of Worcester.

After I got married to Mr Smith in April 08, we came travelling, and I continued the review writing, and continued working on several stories too. We've arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, where we've often thought of settling down. Mr Smith got a job in HR, and I'm now trying to get the editors of New Zealand to accept me and my work.

It's not going too well. This blog will be my diary - Janine Smith, freelance writer aged 29 and 3/4.

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